Lawn Sports

Bocce Ball

A game of skill and concentration, rather than physical stamina, Bocce Ball is played on a flat bowling surface. The objective of this fun and easy-to-learn game is to get the game balls as close as possible to the target ball. Hot Springs Village completed a new five-lane Bocce facility in September 2019. Come check out this growing sport.

Bocce Ball Lanes are located at 200 DeSoto Park Lane, across from the Dog Park and next to the Lawn Bowling Green. For information about the Village Bocce Ball Club, visit their website at

Lawn Bowling

Lawn bowling is a game similar to regular bowling and offers moderate exercise. The game is played on a green with a target ball, but the balls weigh only two to three pounds, so it is less strenuous on the legs and back. The object of the game is to get balls near the target ball. The balls are biased, so they are rolled left to right or right to left making it a challenge. Learn about the Village Green Bowls Club at

The Lawn Bowling facility is located next to the new Bocce Ball Lanes, at 200 DeSoto Park Lane. Play both sports in the same afternoon.



Our Croquet Lawn is an artificial turf located at 200 DeSoto Park Lane, next to the Bocce Ball courts. In croquet, a player uses a mallet to hit a ball through hoop-shaped wickets. The sport is great for those looking for a game that is easy on the joints and requires moderate physical activity.

Croquet requires only one basic skill, that of propelling a ball with a degree of accuracy. The principal difference between croquet and most other outdoor sports in that croquet requires delicacy and skill, rather than speed or strength. It also requires tactical ability and forward planning rather than quick reflexes.

To learn more, visit the Hot Springs Village Croquet Club website.


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