When deciding where you want to relocate or retire, one of the most important factors for most people is safety. And at Hot Springs Village, safety is our number one priority, too. From the moment enter the gates, we want you and your family to feel safe and secure within our community.
As the largest gated community in North America, Hot Springs Village is a very safe place. Hot Springs Village has far fewer crimes per capita compared to major cities in Arkansas and surrounding states1.
The first thing you will see as you approach Hot Springs Village is the gated entry. Security officers are stationed at our West Gate 24 hours a day. Officers are stationed at our East Gate to admit visitors from 6 A.M. to 10 P.M. The East Gate can be accessed by members only from 10 P.M. to 6 A.M. Members can also enter the Village through four card-access-only gates at any time.
Hot Springs Village has its own police department with 19 certified officers. Our police officers are Arkansas State Certified and enforce traffic laws throughout Hot Springs Village. Our officers respond to 911 emergency calls as well as non-emergency calls with an average response time to arrive on location of approximately six minutes.
Our police offer a Citizens Police Academy Class to educate our residents on safety and personal protection. We also provide free Vacation Watch when you’re away, a CodeRED program to alert you in the event of a major emergency and a drug takeback box for safe disposal of unwanted medicine.
Hot Springs Village also has its own fire department, with four fire stations inside the Village supported by 22 employed and 13 voluntary firefighters. Our fire department’s average response time is under six minutes, which is exceptional for the size of territory they cover.
The Hot Springs Village Fire Department has a strong ISO rating of 4 and is a National Firewise community. Firewise USA® provides a framework to help neighbors get organized, find directions, and take action to increase the ignition resistance of their homes and community.
Our fire department provides a smoke alarm program when you need help changing batteries and replacing alarms.
1Source: US Dept. of Justice, FBI, Criminal Justice Information Services Division, “Crime in the United States, 2019.”